Saturday, December 27, 2008

Feedback and Testimonials

If you found this site useful, be an evangelist and please spread the word to other CSET Single Subject Math examinees, and support this site with a contribution via Paypal!

COUNTDOWN: <15 days till the Jan. 10th, 2009 CSET!

What do candidates write to me about, and say about my teaching, this site and my Q Banks?!

Some letters have been very slightly modified for privacy reasons. When this has been done, [EDITED] shall appear. Usually, this is information that a correspondent might not wish displayed publicly.

NEVER is the substance of the communication in any fashion ALTERED. Otherwise, spelling mistakes are customarily fixed!

The paramount objective in reproducing mail to me is to let prospective candidates know that they are not alone in their "unique" circumstances! Chaps routinely write to

* seek "career" advice
* inquire about preparing for the CSET
* request solutions for a Math problem that befuddles them
* find out more about my Q Banks for the 3 Subtests
* ask about how to order the Q Banks
* inform me of the success they derived from using my materials!

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Sudipta Gupta wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> Just wanted to show my appreciation for your
> incredible web-site and your amazing Q bank.
> I took the Nov 1st, Subtest 1, exam, and got thru
> very easily and I owe it all to your extremely
> helpful Q bank. I'm intending to take Subtest 2
> in a couple of months and would like to
> purchase the necessary materials from you.
> I'll mail the check as soon as possible.

> Thanks again for all your help/suggestions/tips

> regards,
> sudipta

--- Ellen Westlake wrote:

> Mr. Ramaswamy:
> I passed the CSET Subtest I! Thanks for your excellent
> study materials.

> Now I am starting to study for Substest II and I have
> received your Question Bank and Solutions. [EDITED]

> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> Ellen Westlake

--- Marjorie Bradley wrote:

> Jay,

> When I returned home last night, [the Q Banks] were on the
> doorstep. Thank you for sending the information
> and for your quick response to my inquiry. I look
> forward to going through all of your materials and
> hope to pass the first time!

> Sincerely,

> Marjorie Bradley

--- Karen Armstead wrote:

> Hi, Jay:

> If you recall, I bought a bunch of stuff from you for
> CSET prep, Subtests I and II. I got word today [EDITED], that
> I finally passed Subtest I. It's supposed to be the more
> difficult of the two subtests required for the foundation-
> level credential, and in this sense, I feel I'm "over the hump."
> This is to let you know I couldn't have done it without
> you, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

> I am also writing to pass along a suggestion or two, which
> would take you a minimum of time and effort to implement,
> and which might make it that much easier on the next
> slob in my position who stumbles onto your website :)

> Now, the simulated constructed-response problems in the
> front of your Subtest I Question Bank are lovely. I spent
> a lot of time with them in the first several months of my
> preparation, and they're really great. But you know what
> ultimately helped me the most on the test? It was having a
> friend use your guidelines to compile your practice
> multiple-choice questions into practice tests, then give
> them to me to take. I really wish I had done this
> much more seriously, sooner. It may have saved me lots of
> time and anguish.

> How about including a "How to Use the Question Banks"
> discussion prominently, either on your website, or in the
> materials themselves? Or perhaps it was there all along, and
> I didn't see it...

> Your multiple-choice questions are superb. They're
> thoughtfully designed and life-like -- in contrast to those in
> certain self-help materials I got from the bookstore--and
> I appreciate that you've included enough of them to
> actually allow users significant practice with the test
> format. Which the practice sets in all the precalculus textbooks
> in the world aren't going to provide. Your materials are a
> mite expensive, compared to what you find in the bookstore,
> but are they a value? Yes, I believe they are. Am I going to
> recommend you to others in my position? Yes, I believe I will.
> Am I even going to go to a bit of extra effort to publicize
> you--say, approach the local county Office of Education
> about your helpful, still one-of-a-kind products?
> Yes, I may do that, too.

> So, again, Jay. Thanks so much. With Subtest I finally out of
> the way,things are looking much more promising for me
> than they were, and it is with renewed confidence that I
> finally get ready to tackle Subtest II...

> Karen

--- Dan Hung wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> I had used your study guide for the subtest I this past
> summer and ended up passing the test! It was my second
> attempt and I'm glad that I don't have to do it a third time.

> I am planning on taking the subtest II this summer (2009).
> Are you still selling your study guides at this time.

> Dan

--- Mark Prigge wrote:

> I was hoping so because your site seems to be the
> most informative and makes no wild claims other
> than hard work, hitting the math books and practicing
> test questions. I am just now starting on my
> preparations and will be in touch.

> Thanks, Mark

--- Karen C wrote:

> Thanks for the question sets, I have some questions,
> and was thinking about asking for a possible tutoring
> session with you - my mom lives out in [EDITED],
> although I'm in [EDITED] so will be coming and
> going from there for Christmas. I know it's short notice,
> but was wondering if you had anytime Tuesday
> the 23rd, and/or the week after Christmas?

> You also said to e-mail you for a study/review guide.
> Thank you,

> Karen C

--- Anne Walton wrote:

> Hello Jay:

> My voice joins the others who said " how they encountered
> Qs that were very similar to those they found on the
> test and how comfortable they felt as a consequence
> of their painstaking and meticulous preparation. "

> I consider your packet of information (journal entries
> from the website, extensive 41 sets of problems and
> answers, final two extensive emails) to be an answer
> to my prayers. I am certain I would not have performed
> nearly at the level that I did without them.

> I only got your question bank two weeks prior to the test.
> I spent at minimum 8 hours / day for 10 of the next
> 14 days (quite a juggle with my busy family of five!)
> working through the entire packet. Complimenting
> this exercise was my referencing several texts,
> the UCI CSET prep open-courseware and the OCDE book
> containing some practice notes and problems also.

> Your timely phone call one day (when your emails
> couldn't get through) when you helped me with the
> Chi-Squared analysis filled in one remaining gap.

> I took a generous amount of time taking just the one
> sub-test on Saturday. I worked and reworked problems
> to double-check. I have to say that I felt very confident
> about my answer to each of the multiple choice,
> save one.

> And I found all four of the Free-Response Questions
> to be do-able. So many of the problems were similar to
> what I had seen in your pack and having 'practiced'
> with a variety of techniques of solving and proving
> outcomes, I felt very fluid in applying those same patterns
> to the test questions.

> Here are my remembrances of some problems from the
> test. I preface it by saying again, that so many of the
> questions were similar to what you had in your packet.
> Certainly don't remove any problems from your
> packet. They were more than sufficient. [EDITED]

> I will let you know what my score is when I receive it.
> The statistics from the link you sent today regarding
> passing percentages are dismal for math. The high scores
> for some other subject matters help to explain why
> friends I know who took other subject areas seem to think
> that the CSET is no big deal...

> I must say that I walked out of the test feeling very
> confident.

> Thanks in good part to your materials which informed
> my diligent study.

> So thank you.

> I will be contacting you soon to purchase the Subtest I
> materials. I expect to take that exam in November.

> Anne Walton

> PS. I will be happy to contact the OCDE to make them
> aware of your materials. I think you are aware that
> there is a link to your site on one of the first pages of the
> math UCI Open courseware, which is how I discovered
> you the first time.

--- Melissa Jones wrote:

> Jay,

> First of all, I want to let you know that I took
> 2 1/2 weeks off of work to dedicate myself to
> your question bank for Subtest II (Geometry/Statistics).
> I gotta tell you, I was so confident when I arrived
> at the test site. In fact, I had just enough time to
> spread the word about your excellent and resourceful
> website to 4 people. All of them were asking each
> other what kinds of study materials were used to prepare
> for the test, and none of them had a concrete resource.
> Furthermore, this test was about the 3rd or 4th time
> taken between all of them.

> Therefore I decided to butt in and tell them
> about your magnificent website and at that moment
> I had nearly everyone's attention who were holding
> graphing calculators!! Some of them wished they
> met me a month ago :)

> Jay, I answered all four of the response questions
> first and then targeted the MCQ's afterwards all
> within 4 hours and 9 minutes. I actually understood
> the questions term-for-term and not staring into the
> ceiling while tapping my nose with the pencil!!!

> Of the four responses, only 1 was dedicated to statistics
> (as you stated), the other three were of course based
> on geometric shapes.

> Of the MCQ's I counted about 6 fill-in-the-blanks based
> on theorems, a handful of transfomation problems,
> 3 statistics, 4 on combinations, permutations, and
> exponentials, and the rest on miscellaneous questions.
> Oddly, I did not have one matrix problem.... oh well.

> Now I must prepare for the Subtest I in September.
> Thank you, thank you, thank you for existing on the face
> of this earth!!

> Melissa Jones

--- Lawrence Flon wrote:
> Well, first of all, I am quite glad that I decided
> to only take Subtest I. We started at 2PM, and
> I finished at 5:30PM. I would not have had sufficient
> time to take Subtest II.

> Your problem sets were very helpful, and right on
> for most types of questions.

> Larry

--- Leslie Froisland wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> It has been a rather stressful month for me. Unfortunately,
> my plan of studying for four hours daily was pushed aside
> when [EDITED]. Timing is everything. I was behind to begin
> with and I could not make up this additional lost time.

> Needless to say I did not have the 'heart' to focus much on
> preparation. However, I did manage to get through the
> geometry test fairly competently and I did manage
> a response to all 4 essays. Perhaps I will squeak through.
> I did manage to go through the proof section in your
> test II bank, and the first 5 or 6 sets or problems.
> One of the proofs (if not more) was identical.

> Leslie

--- Lorna Williams wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> Your question bank rocks! One long question, and two
> MCQ's that I would not have been able to answer without
> it! Also, the abstract algebra notes were right on the
> button and helped me with the first free response. I'm
> feeling pretty confident as I was able to give reasonable
> answers to all 4 free response Qs.

> Anyway, I'm ready to take on SS III and am wondering if
> you have a question bank for it? with solutions? If so,
> the check will be on its way tomorrow!

> Cheers,
> Lorna

--- Jacob Fuller wrote:
> Hey Jay, I just wanted to update you and ask a quick
> question. I passed subtest turn the last go around thanks
> to your materials. This time I am looking to knock out
> Subtest 1. [EDITED]

> Jacob

--- Michael Miser wrote:

> Greetings Jay,
> My name is Michael Miser and I am writing to
> inform you that with the aid of your study questions
> and anwers I was able to pass the CSET I: Algebra &
> Number Theory on the very first try! Thank you very
> much, I have already ordered the second set for
> CSET II: Geometry and Statistics and already looked
> over the material just to see what it had to offer,
> and once again I am very pleased. Thank you, thank you,
> thank you.

> Much Gratitude,
> Michael Miser

--- Sid Khoshoo wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> Btw, you have an uncanny insight into what's one the
> test. I think I passed, at least I'll be dissapointed if I don't.
> Your material rocks--especially since studying hard
> is a prerequisite.

--- Rachel Lucas wrote:

> Jay,
> I need your help I have tried to take the geometry
> CSET numerous times on my own and the highest I have
> scored is ### [EDITED]. I need to pass it in July but my
> finances are tight so I am not sure if I can afford to
> have you tutor me. How much are your question data
> bank maybe I can purchase those and if I get stuck I
> can get help from you and possibly
> get a couple hours of tutoring.
> Thanks
> Rachel Lucas

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Elena Johnson wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> Thank you very much for your Q-banks. I purchased them
> for the subtests 1 and 2. I had just one month to study, did
> my best to study for both, but had to give up. I focused just
> on the subtest 2 and passed it. It was pretty hard.
> Thank you a lot for the email the day of the test!
> I appreciated it a lot later!

> Now I am studying for the subtest 1.
> Your q-banks give me hope to pass it as well.

> Sincerely,
> Elena

--- Kelly Lemay wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> I ordered study guides from you for Subtests I and II,
> and I just wanted to let you know that I passed them
> both! I took them separately and passed each on the
> first try. In case you're wondering, I used mainly
> Schaum's Precalculus and Schaum's Geometry before
> using your study guides to review. I don't think I'll
> be taking Subtest III, but if I do find that I need to
> I'll contact you again.

> Thanks a lot!!!
> Kelly Lemay

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Don Skeels wrote:

> Dear Mr. Ramaswamy,
> Thank you so much for your continued help. I am very
> excited about your material and I am CERTAIN I will
> purchase the next two Q-banks as I need them to
> prepare for the second and third CSET tests.

> Your material is a GREAT way to "study up" for these
> CSET exams.

> Thanks again!

> Don Skeels

--- Mark T wrote:

> Dear Mr. Ramaswamy,

> I received the questions and solutions
> yesterday. I looked over the materials and
> I'm happy that I ordered them. Without them
> I don't think I would be able to pass the tests.
> At least now, I know what to study and
> have a fighting chance to pass both tests.

> With much appreciation,

> Mark T

--- Carlos wrote:
> I am writing to you to purchase the list of
> cset questions and answers for Algebra subtest 1.
> Please let me know what to do.

> Thanks

> Carlos

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Sam N wrote:

> Dear Jay:
> My name is Sam, I have registered for the CSET
> (Subtest 1) Algebra which will be on May 19/07.
> I live in [EDITED], CA. I need the Q bank along with
> the detailed answers (worked out solutions) for
> CSET Subtest1 (Algebra).

> As you can see there is not much time left so I was
> wondering if Ican meet with you ASAP and take the
> material personally.My phone Number is [EDITED].
> Please respnd ASAP by phone or email.
> Very best regards
> Sam

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Phil Mangiacaracina wrote:

> Found out that I passed subtest I … one question
> was an exact duplicate of one from your Q set [EDITED].

> Phil

--- Jennifer wrote:

> Hi,
> I am wanting to take the single subject math
> subsets 1 and 2 to supplement a multiple
> subject credential. My goal is to teach middle
> school math so that I can be one of those teachers
> that enjoys math that I never had in school.
> My question is that I don't know where to start.
> I don't know which websites to go to or which books
> to buy, etc. Your site looks very promising, but I
> just don't know where to start. I am currently a
> student at Cal State [EDITED] and have been taking
> math classes every year, but they are aimed
> towards math methods rather than learning new
> material. I am a pretty fast test taker so I would
> like to take both sections in July.

> Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

> Jennifer

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Michelle Carruthers wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering if you offer one-on-one
> tutoring. I have taken the math CSET
> Subtest II twice and did not pass. I really
> need some help. I have to pass the test before
> the fall because I need to start either my
> student teaching or an internship by then,
> or else I will lose a scholarship the APLE
> program has offered me. I graduated from the
> University of Redlands in [EDITED].
> I would be willing to pay for your tutoring
> services. Thank you for your time.
> Sincerely,

> Michelle

--- Jacob Fuller wrote:

> Jay-
> I am preparing for the CSET and I was hoping
> to order some of your question banks for each
> test I am taking. I am in Riverside, and I would
> love to start study this weekend, if possible.
> I am looking at testing in May or July. I am
> currently a [EDITED]. I started at the 2nd semester
> and I will be finishing out the year. I would like
> to teach again next year. So, I have to pass these
> CSET tests. I have heard good things about your
> resources.

> On your website, you mentioned that you might be
> willing to meet in a mutually convenient location.
> I would be very excited to do that, if that is something
> you still do. Thanks for the help and I look forward
> to meeting with you, if possible.

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Khader wrote:

> Hello,

> I want to thank you for listing type of materials
> to get to prepare for CSET math. I found the info
> useful, took my CSET I and passed it first try.
> However, I do not think I passed CSET II. I think
> I did well on the multiple choice section, but did
> poorly on the constructive response section, and
> need to retake it for sure. Please let me know what
> prep materials you have and how to get it.

> Thanks

--- Angel C wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> I am preparing to take the Math CSET Subtests I
> and II on March 17. I was wondering if there are
> any textbooks that you could suggest I use to study
> from. The last math class I took was the first semester
> calculus four years ago in high school. I ended up
> getting a 5 on the AP test for it. However I have
> not studied math since then and would need to refer
> to a textbook rather than just sample questions since
> I need to relearn everything. I will be applying for
> grad school soon so a passing or a close to passing
> score is absolutely necessary for admission.

> Any other suggestions would also be helpful.
> Thank you.

> Sincerely,
> Angel C

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Indira Kandaswamy wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> I took Subtest1 yesterday. Your Q bank and solution set
> really helped me. I appreciate whatever you are doing.
> I hope that I can move on with Subtest2. So I would like
> to buy your CSET Math Subtest2 practice Questions
> and solution set. I am mailing the check today. Please send
> them soon. I appreciate your help.
> Thank you,
> Indira

--- Rebecca Lee wrote:

> Hi Jay. I just wanted to let you know
> that I passed Subtest II. I took it in November.
> Currently I am preparing for Subtest I, which
> I will be taking January 20. Thank you for all
> the problem sets you prepared. Soon I may
> be inquiring about the question bank for
> Subtest III.

> Rebecca Lee

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Keith H wrote:

> Jay's Q-Bank effectively covers a broad area
> of the subject matter. I bought both cset I
> and cset II materials, and I could pass both tests
> one after the other. His method should be effective
> specially for those who have not had math for
> many many years(my case, more than 20 years)
> because they need the reinforcement of
> numerous repetitions. I highly recommend it.

--- Aubrey Meyers wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> I just wanted to let you know, I received my
> e-mail scores from Section 1 of the CSET.
> I passed! Thank you so much for all your help,
> and really appreciate all your continued help
> for Section 2.

> Aubrey Meyers

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Megan A wrote:

>Hi Jay-

> I was wondering if you had received my check yet.
> [EDITED] I got my results back for Subtest II today
> and I passed! Your questions were great, and now I
> need Subtest III. Please reply and let me know that
> you got this email. Thanks!

Megan A

--- Matt wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for your resouces. Your website is a God send.
> I am trying to prepare for the math cset and
> looking for the best possible way to prepare. Since
> my background is in econ, I am concerned that I
> don't have the proper foundation to just begin
> studying formulae then take the test. So my question
> to you is, what classes would you recomend taking,
> say at a junior college, to best preapre for the cset
> math?

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Danna Kipnis wrote:

> Jay-

> I was just trying to reach you to tell you my
> scores on Subtest 2. I was very excited as
> I received 4 pluses on the geometry multiple
> choice, 3 pluses on the statistics multiple choice
> and 4 pluses on the free response section.
> I guess I did better than I thought! Pretty good
> for a non-math major don't you think!!!

> Thank you for all your tutoring and questions
> banks. I could never have passed Subtest 1
> and Subtest 2 on the first try without your
> assistance. I came to you having not done any
> significant math in nearly 25 years. In nine
> intensive weeks you prepared me for Subtest 1,
> and in another seven weeks for Subtest 2.

> While part of my success was due to my diligent
> studying efforts, a significant amount was due
> to your extraordinary teaching and the extremely
> representative questions in your question banks.
> You were my counsel and cheerleader, and I full-heartedly
> recommend you, your website, and your study
> materials to anyone interested in becoming a
> math teacher in California. Thanks again.

> Danna Kipnis

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Sharon McCorkell wrote:

> Jay:

> I wanted to say thanks so much for putting
> together your web site on the math cset. The
> first time I took the cset I passed subtest II
> and failed subtestI . I used your suggestions and
> passed subtest I on the second try. That's all I need
> for now, because I don't need to teach calculus at
> my school. Your site was the only source that
> made any sense. Thanks again!

> Sharon McCorkell
> King High School
> Davis, CA

--- Key-sup Hong wrote:

> Hi Jay
> [EDITED] Well, the test I took on Sunday was
> a fair one, and I could answer all of them.
> Your prep materials worked beautifully for me.
> By studing your materials I gain confidence in
> the preparation for the test.

> I may tell your more about the test when I see you.
> Thanks

--- Richard J wrote:
> Dear Jay,
> I have received your Q Banks shipment and the
> subsequent email documents. I am very pleased
> with the material and have been using it extensively. [EDITED]

> Thank you.

> Best,

> Richard J

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Robert S wrote:

> Sorry that it took me a day but I drop the check
> in the mail today. Keep your eyes open for it.
> Thanks a lot for the materials. Good Stuff.

> Robert S

--- Esmeralda Godoy wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> I used the subset 2 study material and it was a
> great help. I especially found the worked out
> problems to be beneficial. I was wondering if you
> have the answers for the subset 3 Qs
> available. If so please let me know.

> Thanks,
> Esmeralda Godoy

---Doug R wrote:

> I passed the subtest II on Sept 16th and
> would like to say thank you for all of your help.
> I have passed both and am now concentrating on
> credential program.

> Thanks again,

> Doug R

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Tony W wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> I passed the subset I test on 9/16 and your Q
> bank/solutions gave me the direction to
> prepare for the test with limited time.

> I am studying for subset II now.
> Do you have solutions for the Statistics portion of
> the Q bank? Is there a new update for the Geometry
> solutions?
> Thanks
> Tony W

--- Patrick St. John wrote:

> Jay,
> The [CSET] beast is slain!
> Thank you for everything.
> Patrick

> COOL, CA 95614
> Examination: 111 CSET Mathematics Subtest II
> Status: Pass

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Rosemarie Madarang wrote:

> Jay,

> First of all, I would like to thank you for allowing
> me to use use Qs bank it really helped me a lot.
> I looked at the unofficial result of Subtest 1
> and I passed it. Hopefully I will also pass the
> subtest 2 on Sept 16, 2006. Thanks for your great
> advised that I rather take it one at a time because


> Once again thanks for your help!

> Rosemarie

--- Robert G wrote:

> Dear Jay,

> I just wanted to let you know that I passed the
> Algebra Subtest I on my first try. Your study guide
> was definitely invaluable in my preparations.
> Thanks for the good work.

> Sincerely
> Robert

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Humberto wrote:

> Hi Jay: I passed substest II - your material helped
> a lot. As soon as I pass subtest I, I'll contact you
> for the Calculus Qs. Cheers! I am off to have a
> nice cold beer!

> humberto

--- Bert Merlo wrote:

> Hello JAY,

> This is Bert Merlo if you remember (you tutored me
> on Math Sub-test 1 in july for about three weeks)
> I have been busy and I wanted to see if I passed the
> test before I continued on to Geometry and
> Statistics or just needed to continue on with
> Algebra.

> Well here is the update I just found out that I
> passed sub-test 1. Everything you said would be on
> the test was there. I really appreaciate your help
> and I was wondering if we could start on geometry
> if you can fit me into your very very busy schedule.

> thanks again for getting me through the first test.

> Bert

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Patrick St. John wrote:

> Subject: The beast is on his knees
> Jay,
> There is hope!
> I passed subtest I and will take subtest II in
> September.

> [Original Message]
> Examination: 110 CSET Mathematics Subtest I
> Status: Pass

--- Pam P wrote:

>Hi Jay,

> Yvette Lane at U of Redlands suggested that I
> contact you. I am registered to take the Single
> Subject Subset I for Algebra in September.
> I plan to do the Subset II for Geometry in
> November. I would like to work with you to
> discover what areas I am missing.

> I have taken each of the subsets twice and failed
> by less than 30 points each time. I am a little
> frustrated and am not sure what to study now.
> I am working problems daily, but it doesn't seem
> to get me over the top. Can you help me?
> Thanks for your time.

> Have a great day!

> Pamela

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Rich B wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> I checked out your website and it looks great. I
> have been a electrical engineer for quite some time
> and figured that I would pass the test the first time.
> How wrong I was. I was not prepared for the type
> of questions on the exam. After viewing your site,
> your Questions were right on.

> Any chance [EDITED] and send out the material
> tomorrow. If you agree, I'll send out my check
> on 7/15/06 as well this way I can have the material
> by 7/18 and take the test on 7/22.

> I'll be waiting for your call.

>Thanks …..Rich

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Chris V wrote:

> Hello Jay,

> I am Christopher and I have seen a lot of promising
> results from other test takers using your system.
> I passed subtest I after having taken it twice. I
> bought the Xam book and was so disappointed
> with it; it didn't help me anything. What a waste of
> money :( I also took subtest II and failed once.
> I will take subtest II for the second time in
> September 2006. I would be more than happy to
> send you the money for:

> CSET Subtest II: Geometry / Statistics Q Bank
> PLUS workout solutions for geometry Qs.

> Is it okay if I send you money order or cashier's
> check? Which do you prefer? As soon as I pass
> subtest II, I will order the calculus package from
> you.

> Let me know asap so I could send you the money
> order or cashier's check right away. Thank you.

> Chris

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Tim H wrote:

> Dear Jay,

> [EDITED] ...thank you for your support in this
> venture; I had to pass that test to have the job I'd
> been offered (I guess they wanted me, but only if
> I have a credential--funny), and I owe it in part to
> you that I did pass. Unfortunately, I don't know
> any individuals who are likely to take the test,
> since I didn't approach my credential through a
> traditional route, but I'll certainly shout your
> name from the rooftops as much as possible.

> Sincerely,
> Tim H

--- Humberto S wrote:

> Thanks Jay, your the best! Just recieved the notes
> and solutions. The new edition subtest I is a
> masterpiece-I especially like the multiple choice
> questions. I'll let you know what I see on the test
> when I take it in September. Thanks again!

> Humberto (future Jaime Escalante).

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Aubrey Meyers wrote:

> Dear Jay,

> I am currently preparing to take the CSET
> Mathematics subtest 1 examination in September.
> Your site has been very helpful to me in
> selecting test materials, but I cannot find very
> many sources for sample questions on this
> particular subtest. I see that on your site you
> offer sample question books for the CSET, and I
> wanted to ask you if the book you are offering
> that has the 800 questions is for the entire test,
> or do you have a sample questions book for each
> section of the exam. Also do you still sell the
> books? Any information you can provide is
> appreciated.

> Thank you,
> Abby

--- Key Sup Hong wrote:

> I ran across your site recently. I would like to take
> a look at your material as soon as possible, and
> purchase possibly both set I, II. I live in [EDITED],
> so I think I can go over to your house in Moreno
> Valley, and meet with you.

> I plan to take the test in a month.

> My email: [EDITED]
> Please let me know.
> Thank you.

> K. Hong

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Daron C wrote:

> Dear Jay,

> I could do 29/30 multiple choice and all 4 SCR.
> Your questions are SO much harder than the actual
> test, that I just breezed through the actual test. I
> started pumping my fist at some of the questions
> and was ecstatic when I saw the 4 SCR's!

> Thanks for making that study guide!!! EVERYONE
> should use your guide!

> Blessings,
> Daron

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

---Eunice P wrote:

>Hi Jay,

> Yes, I took the subset I test in May. Because I
> couldn't prepare much for the test, I thought
> I failed it. However, I actually passed. I used
> your Q-banks mainly as a study guide and it
> proved to be very useful. That's why I am
> ordering your Q banks again for subset II.
> Thank you!


---Sonia G wrote:

> Hello Jay, I found your site while looking for
> materials for the SS Math cset. I've taken the
> subtest one and did not pass (202) last March. I
> live in [EDITED] and need more help so I can
> pass subtest I and II on July 22. Do you have any
> sessions open?
> I am a credentialed [EDITED] teacher by training
> but want to teach part time at my children's
> middle school next fall. They have offered me the
> job, I just have to pass the test!

> Sonia

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

---Daron C wrote:

> Hi Jay!

> You might be my answer to prayer! I was growing
> ever the more disheartened as I ventured into
> simply finding something that will help me
> pass the Subtest I until I bumped into your site.
> I tried "Ace the CSET" online prep at
> their site SUCKS!!! Totally inane, irrelevant material
> with no customer service that left me totally pissed
> off for having lost $40. The XAM guide is like 6th
> grade math, I tried
> and immediately asked for a refund because there
> is absolutely NO CSET Subtest I math content.
> I also tried
> and also immediately asked for a refund b/c:
> 1) there was no download button, and 2) their
> material and customer service suck as well. Add
> me to your "Feedback" section to WARN OTHERS
> about these sites.

> I am going for my foundational math single
> subject credential, and if I don't pass on July 22,
> 2006, I won't have a job next year at my current
> school despite sparkling endorsements from both
> of my administrators, parents, and students.
> I have passed Subtest II, and did well on the
> Multiple Choice section on Subtest I last year, but
> couldn't answer any of the SCR's! Please send
> my books out ASAP! Hopefully you'll get my check
> by Sat. or Mon. latest, and I'll get the books by
> Wed. next week???

> THANKS for all you do!!!

> Daron

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Tim H wrote:

> Dear Jay,

> Not that I have official certification of it, but I
> did pass the CSET Math Algebra test yesterday,
> thanks in large part to your website, Q bank, and
> in-person suggestions. I am very fortunate that
> you do what you do to help us pass.

> I do know for sure that I got 22 of those MCQ's
> right and did passably on 3 of the Free-Response
> Q's. So, I am celebrating, and again thank you for
> your help.

> Sincerely,

> Tim H

---Sacha Hall wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> Thank you for all of your work. I've heard that
> your study material is the only accurate guide
> for the test. I was just offered my dream job, but it
> requires me passing the Sub-test I and II on July
> 22nd. I'm actually leaving town on [EDITED] and
> will be [EDITED] until [EDITED].

> If there's any way I could get the guides delivered
> before the 28th it would be so appreciated.
> I'm going to send you two checks. One for the
> amount of [EDITED] that will cover the normal
> cost for two tests and another check for [EDITED]
> to cover the cost of a rush order. Please rip up
> the [second] check if its impossible to get the
> guides to me by June 28th. I am going to walk over
> to the post office right now and mail you a check in
> the fastest way possible.

> Thank you, Sacha
> How You Learnt About This Site: Word of mouth
> from other people who have taken the test

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Annette W wrote:

> Jay,
> Thanks so much for your more than thorough response
> to my questions. I have bookmarked your page.
> I imagine you might have a full-time job just writing
> back e-mails and such.

> I will send a check for [EDITED] for the two subtest
> booklets (Geometry/Algebra) and for the Solutions
> Set (plus shipping/handling).

> I learned [about you] through my friend
> who had great success using your webpage.

> Thanks much Jay!!!
> Annette

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

---Gilbert S wrote:

> Jay:
> Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I just received
> my CSET results for Subtest I and I PASSED. Thanks
> for your study guide.

> I know it helped.
> Gil S

--- Lambert Merlo wrote:

> I live in [EDITED] and I am looking for someone to
> tutor me so I can Pass the CSET soon.
> Would you be able to help me, just let me
> know what your price would be for private lessons
> and when we can start. I will do the traveling.

> Thanks for your time

---Chris Overstreet wrote:

> Jay,

> Thank you for your prompt response! The main
> reason for my concern is that I had just purchased
> CSET prep material from another site and never
> received instructions for download. Neither have
> they responded to my emails. So, again I thank you.

> I will be sending a personal check for [EDITED]
> (Qbank,Solution Set, and shipping)

>Chris Overstreet

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Jimmy Bova wrote:

> MR. JAY,
> No problem. I shall expect your materials in the
> next 10 days. I trust you. It seems you have a
> British sense of humor. Either way, I enjoy your
> humor on your site. I am really looking forward
> to your materials. Sincerely,
> Jimmy Bova

---Chin S wrote:

> Hi Jay,

> Thanks for expediting this material. I really
> appreciate it. You should receive your check
> soon. I sent it yesterday.

> Chin

--- Brenda Collins wrote:

> Jay - I graduated from Cal State [EDITED] in [EDITED]
> and have not used much algebra since that time...

> I need to pass the CSET for my teacher credential
> program. I am interested in talking with you
> about your packets for sale and/or if you tutor for
> the test. I used to be very good in math but am
> clearly out of practice from so many years away
> from practically applying it, so I need to brush
> up. I have been studying and took a class with
> Nat'l Univ before the May 20th test. Unfortunately,
> I ran short on time and didn't do a good job on
> the responsive parts at all. I need help! Let's
> chat. Thanks in advance.

Quick links: Current List of Articles in ARCHIVES, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

---Paul Grimes wrote:

>Hi Jay,

> Good news, I finally passed the algebra Subsection.
> Now I can add Foundational Level Math to my
> credential. I had a good year [EDITED], got excellent
> observations and will be offered two business classes
> along with Geometry next year. My credential is
> Business with supplementary in math.

> Thanks for all your help.
> Paul Grimes

--- Maritz V wrote:

> Hi Jay!

> What I need is a tutor. I am a graduate of engineering
> so I've had a lot of math subjects (ages ago!)
> but since I have been more into computers at
> work, I have forgotten most of them already.

> and I want to take the cset for math.
> I'm hoping I can teach at least middle school math.

> Any advice?

> Ms. Maritz

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

---Abdul Q wrote:

> Dear Jay

> I am sending you [EDITED] for Q Bank + Worked Out
> Solution + Mail Expenses, as per requirenment.
>; Please send me Qbank subset II.

> Let me inform you, I had passed Subset I, of
> course with a partial help of your Q bank.
> Thanks
> Abdul Q

---Flora L wrote:

> Hello Jay Ramaswamy,
> I just received my score back from the first
> CSET Math exam and I guess I did end up
> passing. I didn't feel confident that I had passed as
> I had mentioned earlier as I felt I missed many
> of the simple questions since I had concentrated so
> much on the harder Algebra concepts as covered in
> the database of questions.

> Now that I received the pass, I'm interested in
> taking the 2nd CSET Math exam. I would again like
> to purchase your material. How do I go about
> purchasing this material for the 2nd CSET Math test?

> Thanks!
> Flora L

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Judy C wrote:

> Hello! Once again, your information and study
> material was right on. I took subtest II today and I
> don't want to jinx myself, but I think I did pretty
> well. Surprisingly, the [FR Questions] were all fairly easy.

> The multiple choice questions were a little more
> difficult for me, but I think I got most of them. [EDITED].
> Nothing sticks out as being surprising. If you want
> any more details, let me know because come
> Monday or Tuesday, I will probably forget it all!

> Again, thanks for you great material! I was very
> prepared and the only thing I studied off of was
> your stuff! You were right about the calculator --- pretty
> much needed for simple calculations and sin, cos
> stuff--that's about it! I will let you know when I
> find out my results! Thanks!
> Judy

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Stan L wrote:

> Hi Rajesh, I am finding your materials for subtest 2
> an excellent way to preprare for the upcoming CSET
> test. It is very thorough in in subject matter and is
> much like the practice CSET distributed at their
> website.

> I am VERY INTERESTED in obtaining subtest 1
> (algebra). Would next saturday at the RIVERSIDE
> LIBRARY be a good day to meet again? The next
> CSET is scheduled for May 20 saturday.

> Thanks again.
> Stan

--- Cyntia N wrote:

> Jay,

> Thank you again for your site. I’m pleased to
> say that I passed subtest II, thanks in part to the
> information in this site and practice questions
> I purchased from you. Now that I have two subtests
> under my belt, I feel confident that I can master
> the material for subtest III. Expect to hear from me soon
> …I will be purchasing the practice questions
> for subtest III. From experience, I know that
> I will maximize the value of my prep time by
> using the practice questions and by studying the
> textbooks you recommended. They are terrific
> resources.
> Cynthia N

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Stephanie W wrote:

> Hi Jay

> I have one semester on calculus in college
> over 20 years ago. I am practicing using the
> high school math book. The plan is to take Subtests
> I and II.

> Do you have a crash course available, or could
> you suggest classes or books for me to use?
> Books would be easier, however, I do need a
> resource in case I "get stuck" on a concept. I usually
> don't have problems in math, except for
> an engineering analysis course I took in
> college.

> You seem to be a fabulous resource.
> Stephanie W

--- Kathy N wrote:

> Hi Jay

> It's me, Kathy. I bought the cset subtest 2
> from you with the answer booklet. I just wanted to let
> you know that I passed the second subtest (Geometry).
> Even though I didn't study for the statistics
> part (cause I forgot to), I was still able to do well
> enough to pass.

> Thanks so much for your help!
> Now, I will be studying for the 3rd subtest. =)
> I will let you know how that one goes.

> Sincerely,
> Kathy

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Sid S wrote:

> Hi, Jay,

> I talked to the credential guy at CSUSB
> and he recommended their prep class for
> the math foundations and for the math advanced.
> I called ASAP and haven't heard back
> from them yet. If you have information, I would
> love to know how to proceed.

> I haven't taken a math class in 50 years. However,
> I have taught statistics in a behavioral science
> department for about 25 of those years. [EDITED]

> I have always been very good at math. I went
> to Caltech (majored in what was then the relatively
> non-mathematical area of Neuroscience).
> Subsequently got a PhD from UCLA [EDITED].
> Over the years, I became less and less interested
> in the research I was doing and drifted
> increasingly into statistics and eventually into
> a career in industry.

> Are you still teaching at CSUSB? If so,
> please tell me about reasonable sessions I
> could take from you "ASAP". Is it
> reasonable for me to take all three exams
> at once? When? If not three, then two? When?
> I finished the Lamar algebra and trig review in two
> sittings and it all started to come back to me.
> Does that mean I could do well on test 1 or do
> I need more? I haven't done a Euclidian proof
> since high school. Is there a good review
> somewhere? I thought it would be a snap for
> someone with my background, but your website
> has made me a little nervous. I will be
> happy to buy whatever packages you
> think I need, but it's been so long since
> I've taken this stuff as a student. [EDITED]

> Please give me guidance. I look forward to
> meeting you.
> Sid R

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Dorrie Bevins wrote:

> Hi!
> I ordered both the Algebra and Geometry
> CSET preparation guides, and passed both
tests on the first try!

> Thanks for the great help!

> I would like to order the Calculus CSET prep
> from you, if you are still doing this sort of business.
> Could you send me the cost and any other
> information I need to know? Thank you!
> Dorrie Bevins

--- Robbanie Smidebush wrote:

> Dear Mr. Ramaswamy,
> I just wanted to let you know that I passed both
> the Algebra and Geometry CSET exams! The results
> are "unofficial" but I hope still accurate.
> I plan to take the Calculus CSET in July and will contact
> you soon to purchase that problem set.

> Thank you for your wonderful materials!
> Robannie Smidebush

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Pete J wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> I took the test yesterday. I believe I may have
> passed it but only the final report will tell.

> Anyway, about your message. Thank you but I did not
> see your message until today. I was so busy cramming
> other stuff that I had completely ignored everything
> else...including my email.

> Now that it is over, I must say they did have
> something similar to the second set of problems you
> mentioned.

> I will keep in mind your information should it become
> necessary to repeat the test if I did not pass this
> time.

> I am so tired right now that I am going to rest for a
> few days. I expect to be contacting you in the future
> in preparation for Subtest II: Geometry and
> Statistics.

> Thank you so much for your efforts. NO ONE has been
> as diligent as you in trying to help me prepare.

> Again thank you and I will be in contact in the
> future.

> Sincerely,
> Pete J

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Cynthia K wrote:

> Jay,
> I just obtained my Math Subtest I results…and
> I passed! I'm oh so happy that I purchased your
> Q bank and used it to prepare for the test.
> Thank you for being such a great resource.
> I'll certainly recommend your site to others.

> And now back to studying for Subtest II
> using the Q bank I purchased from you.
> I feel much more confident about this subtest anyway,

> but passing Subtest I takes much of the fear
> out of my prep time. Thank you again.
> Cynthia

--- Judy C wrote:
> Hello! I wanted to let you know that I just
> found out I passed subtest 1. I purchased your
> material for that, now I need to purchase
> your material for subtest II. Can you let me know
> how to do that?
> Also, I don't have a calculator---what kind do
> you think is sufficient for this test?
> Thanks a ton!
> Judy

--- Nicholas N wrote:
> Hi Rajesh,
> Thanks for all of your assistance. Your Q bank helped
> tremendously and I'll let you know how things turn out.
> I was curious to know what constitutes a passing score
> for each subtest?
> Thanks again,
> Nicholas

--- Peter B wrote:
> Hi Jay,
> I am preparing to take the CSET exam in early November
> and am interested in your question bank. A few questions:
> What happens if you fail the test the first time? How many
> times can you take it? What is a passing grade? Do you suggest
> taking all three subtests at the same time? Or is it okay to
> take the first two and pick up the third one later? I'm starting
> teaching on a provisional contract next week and was told I
> need the CSET to be able to enter the District Intern Program (LAUSD).
> I will need the sample questions as soon as possible.
> What's the best way to get them. Right now I am interested
> in sections I and II along with the solutions document.
> I can't seem to find any sample tests anywhere.
> Thanks for your service.
> Regards,
> Peter B

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Murray S wrote:

> Great site -
> I've seen a lot of different book recommendations for
> Subset 1 and 2; before I go buying many different books,
> based on your expertise can you advise me on the specific
> books I should get for both subsets. I will only be
> taking subsets 1 and 2, so I only need those resources.
> Many of the concepts will be new to me, so the better
> written the book, the better for me.
> Thanks.
> Murray

--- Hilary P wrote:

> I am so excited to have found your site! I love its
> energy and I feel encouraged already and I have only
> read a little bit of it. But I am sooo glad you are in
> southern cal.
> I have to take the first 2 subtests in spring or
> summer of '06. I am starting back at school to get my
> credential this February at Redlands U.
> I would like to be part of a study group, and after I
> start school and meet other math teacher hopefuls, I
> would definitely be interested in a tutorial session.
> Also, I tried to find the CSET prep course at CSUSB
> and my need for instant gratification (cause at the
> moment I am really excited!!!) was not satisfied. What
> department is it offered through?
> Thanks! I'm going to get back to your site
> now.
> Hilary

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Dave B wrote:

> Innovation Guy,
> Your web site appears to be a great resource. I am
> currently a credentialed teacher in the Los Angeles area, and I have been tasked
> by my principal to teach 7th and 8th grade math. In order to obtain my
> authorization in foundation math, I need to pass subtests I and II by the
> end of summer '06.
> I would like to take subtest I in January and II in March
> (or earlier if possible). I would be interested in arranging tutoring
> with you if possible.
> Able to grasp math skills fairly quickly, but a little
> rusty College Calculus, in 1995. Pass both subtests by July 2006
> Available most Saturdays and Sundays (I can work around
> your schedule)
> Thanks,
> Dave

--- Katrina N wrote:

> Hello there,
> My name is Katrina and I have been taking
> subtest II for 2 years now. I have already passed
> subtest I. I cannot complete my credentialing status
> until I pass subtest II. I am planning on taking the next exam in Sept.
> Looking at all options for my preparation!
> thanks

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Simon L wrote:

> Dear Jay:
> I got your email on a CSET website...
> I am a psychology major, but I have completed Calculus through
> sequences (third term Calc.) in College.
> I have also taken Diff e.q. at a community college.
> Do I have a reasonable chance of passing the CSET Math
> Section I and II, and possibly III ? What should I do to prepare?
> I have not yet taked Linear Systems or Vector
> Calculus. I have taken one Physics course.
> Kindest Regards,
> Simon

--- Shelley E wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> I just registered for the CSET and found your info. on
> A to Z Teacher Stuff. It's a good thing I'm not taking the test until March!

> I was not able to access the Practice Questions link
> on the easyjournal site, I would like to purchase your set of
> questions (I'm planning on taking all 3 subtests).
> I'm questioning my sanity at this point, I haven't
> taken a math class in 30 years!
> Thanks for all the good stuff,

> Shelley E

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Cathy M wrote:

> I read your posts on and visited
> your website. I graduated college many years ago, in 1994 with an
> Economics major from UCLA. The last math course I took
> was a year of Calculus my first year of college. I would say I remember
> quite a bit of Algebra, some Geometry and probably no Trig and Calculus.
> It came easy to me back then, but its been many years since
> I have seen any of the material on these tests. I'm
> interested in passing Subset 1 and Subset 2. I would
> probably hold off on Subset 3 at this time since its been so many
> years since I've studied this material. What types of tutoring
> are you offering and how achievable is this for someone like me?
> My background has been in business, finance and
> accounting. I've always been a good test taker. I passed the
> CBEST test many years ago. I have been told that I must pass
> the CSET test before I can get into any credential program.
> I would appreciate any advise or information you can give me.
> Cathy M

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Frank V wrote:

> Hi,
> I've read your posts on
> and saw that you're
> having a prep course in Riverside. Although it's a
> schlep for me (I live near USC), I should probably
> consider it. When, where, and how much?
> Additionally, how much for your extra questions?
> I passed the CSET Multiple Subjects tests on the first
> try, am a generally good test-taker (good short-term
> memory I guess), and taught college-level stats courses
> during my graduate education. Having said that, the
> highest level of math I've had is geometry in high school
> (18 years ago). I would like to work towards the
> Fundamentals of Math credential which only requires I
> pass Subtests I and II. What are you thoughts re:
> chances of success?
> Thanks,
> Frank

--- Timothy M wrote:

> Hello Jay,
> I am ordering The Algebra Q Bank. I scored a 201 on the
> July test (second attempt), so I have to do a little more
> work, and your Question banks sound really good. I am
> taking a geometry class now, so I will order that Q Bank
> in the next month or so. Great Web site! I will
> definitely let teachers in my district know about it.
> Timothy

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Shelley E wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> CSET test dates are currently available through July 22,
> 2006, according to the website. I'm scheduled to start
> student teaching in the spring, so I'm hoping the March
> test date will give me time to study, pass and start
> student teaching on schedule.
> Thanks for all the helpful info., I ordered the textbooks
> you recommended on "Alibris", the prices seemed very
> reasonable. I will be ordering your test questions after
> perusing the books.
> Thanks again for all your help!
> Shelley

--- Mike W wrote:

> Jay,
> I would like to buy the Algebra CSET packet
> including the detailed solutions for $100. I am actually
> only 12 minutes away from your listed address. Can I
> come pick up the packet this weekend if I bring a check?
> Mike

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Carol P wrote:

>Hi Jay,
> Thank you for responding to my e-mail. I will look forward to receiving
> the Q Bank this week.
> As far as tutoring...I'd like to look over and study your Q Bank for
> a couple of weeks, compile my questions, THEN come see you for
> tutoring. My kids go back to school on Monday, August 22nd.
> When they are in school is the best time for me to come,
> but you are probably working.
> If not, we will have to look at doing it on a weekend.
> Please let me know ASAP.
> Thank you,
> Carol

--- Robert G wrote:

> Dear Mr. Ramaswamy,
> Thanks for your quick response. I should be ordering soon.
> Thanks also for your website. I'm glad I found it when
> I did, otherwise I probably would not of known where to
> begin. Probably like a lot of people taking this test
> I've taken my share of upper level mathematics courses
> but I graduated about 10 years ago and feels like I'm
> starting over again. It's amazing how quickly and
> enjoyable it is studying a second time around though. I
> feel I'm gaining a deeper understanding of concepts I
> just vaguely understood in high school in college. I
> ordered a pre-calculus book you recommended and will work
> my way through that and then take it from there. I'll
> probably work through the book before I start tackling
> your test type questions because like you said in one of
> your articles I don't want to be studying TO the test.
> Wish me luck!
> Sincerely,
> Robert

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Mike W wrote:

> Jay,
> Hi this is Mike, I met with you about the CSET math packets.
> I checked out my scores today and I was
> completely shocked. It turns out that I passed Geometry
> and Algebra. I was surprised with Geometry, but I was
> shocked with Algebra, because I did not have time to do
> the short answers.
> And I really do want to buy your Calculus packet. Please let me know
> if this is possible.
> Mike

--- Rachel L wrote:

> Your site is very useful!! I studied it religiously as I
> prepared for the geometry test. I am desperate to pass
> since I will find out tomorrow if I am going to teach on
> Emergency waiver which is until I can pass and get my
> intern credential! Thank you for your help - it is greatly
> appreciated!
> Rachel L

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Aimee C wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> Thank you for all of your help. I took the test this
> last Saturday and your syllabus was helpful. I had a
> free response question on Taylor Series, and I wouldn't
> have taken the time to memorize the formula had I not
> seen it on your syllabus. (I was convinced I didn't need
> it, but memorized it at the last moment!)
> I really found the Calc test to be much easier than the
> other tests. Thank you for keeping me from spending all
> of my time trying to derivate/integrate really difficult
> trig problems, I was able to spend more time studying
> things that actually were on the test.
> Hopefully, I will pass, and I wanted to thank you for
> putting information out there about the CSET that people
> desperately need! Hopefully, I won't need to ask you
> anymore Calc problems!
> Thanks again.
> Aimee

--- Carol P wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> Thank you so much for your time yesterday.
> I really appreciate it and I feel that I can pass this time with your continued help.
> 1) I will be looking forward to your solutions in the mail sometime this week.
> 2)I will definately want to set up at least 1 or 2 more 2 or 3-hour tutoring sessions.
> Thank you,
> Carol

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Robert G wrote:

> Thanks for your information about the CSET.
> Regards,
> Robert

---Chris R wrote:

> First-thank you for your site. I have been
> looking for this type I just stumbled on your website.
> It doesn't come up
> easily with a google. If you could do anything
> about that, you would probably get many more hits.
> Anyway-to my question. Reading between the lines,
> it seems that one can pass each subset by getting about 24
> choice questions and doing decently on 2 of the free
> response answers. Is that true? Also, do your question
> guides have the answers? I am just starting to prepare and
> don't plan to take the test until November at the earliest.
> One final comment....from your description of the
> test, I wonder how many of currently credentialed math
> teachers could pass it....Food for thought.
> Thank you -

> Chris R

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Yolanda M wrote:

>Mr jay:
> I need preparation for the CSet III which I am
> planning to retake in September to get my full
> credetencial in Math.
> How helpful is your calculus booklet? Does it
> have answers? What do you suggest to prepare for this test.
> I bought the geometry booklet from you and the question on
> your booklet were harder than the real test so I did pass
> easily. Do have any suggestions for this test?
> Hope to hear from you.

--- Carol P wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> First, thank you so much for all the help you provided.
> I do THINK that I did OK. I will let you know.
> Thanks again, and now I need to start studying for the
> Algebra/Number Theory. Can you help with that? I'd like
> your questions and explanations/solutions. Do you sell
> those too? The test is offered in September, but I'd
> like to get started studying soon.
> Carol

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Bill OC wrote:

> I heard about your website from corrrespondence from you
> on Teachers A to Z. So far it's been very helpful, it's
> just too bad that I found it so close to my test date. I
> know now that I'm a little unprepared for the tests even
> with the large amount of studying that I have done.

--- Bill C wrote:

> I wanted to thank you for all the help that you are willing
>to provide for people trying to pass
> the single subject math tests. I'm taking
> the test this Saturday and if for some
>reason I don't pass, I was wondering if within your preparation
> packets you provide answers for the questions? Also I
> was going over the practice problems that you
> provided for geometry and was wondering if you
> could provide the answers so that I know
> if I did them right. Any help would be great.
> Thanks
> Bill

--- Allison K wrote:

> Jay,
> I received your packet and am working through to the best
> of my ability. I have several questions... First, is it safe to
> assume that whenever height is mentioned in regard to solids it is
> referring to slant height, not altitude? Second, was there supposed to
> be a section
> on Statistics? If so, it was missing from my packet. What
> should I focus my attention on the most when it comes to
> Statistics/Probability?
> Third, logarithms and vectors appear to be my trouble areas, any
> helpful tips on studying these sections?
> Thank you for your time,
> Allison K

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Gregory W wrote:

> Good day sir:
> I am interested in purchasing some material from you.
> Would it be possible to get it this weekend some time, as the next
> testing time is a week from this Saturday. I live in Hesperia, but would be
> willing to drive down the hill and meet you some place.
> Thanks

--- Aimee C wrote:

> Dear Jay,
> Thank you for this great list. It is very helpful.
> I have a Calculus question, and I thought that I would
> email you- there aren't that many people that can answer
> calculus questions, I realized.
> I've been studying derivatives of different things- one
> would be of trig functions. For example, find the derivative of
> y=xsinx^2 The answer that I got was (xcosx^2 +sinx^2)2x
> trying to multiply dy/du and du/dx together.
> However, the answer in the back of the book is:
> sinx^2+2x^2cosx^2
> which looks like they don't put parentheses around dy/du
> and du/dx before multiplying together.
> I'm sorry if this is confusing... can you clarify this
> for me?
> Thanks!
> Aimee

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Michael T wrote:

> I am inquiring if it is possibe to come to your Moreno
> Valley address to obtain math subset I&II questions
> for the c-set which I will be taking sat. July 16.
> Thank You,
> Michael T

--- Pam L wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> Sounds like you've been in the teaching profession
> for quite a while huh? Just out of my curiosity,
> if you don't mind to share your two cents with
> me here, how is it like to be a high
> school math teacher?
> To be honest with you, I didn't think about pursuing
> teaching as my possible career alternative
> until I spoke with one of the advisors in
> my school, CSULA, earlier this May, about
> getting my teaching credential started in
> conjunction with my MA program in TESOL.

> Until this point, I'm still not too sure about
> becoming a teacher though. I began my MA
> TESOL program in Spring of 2002 while I was
> still working for my previous employer
> which offered me tuition reimbursement
> up to $4000 a year. I did it out of sheer
> sense of self-fulfillment. Then I left that
> company last summer, therefore, took a
> break in my schooling. I plan to get
> back to it this coming Fall, but only to find
> out that they may or may not have the
> classes I need offered in time.
> Then some of my classmates (most of them
> were already teachers) suggested
> that perhaps I could try enrolling into a
> credential program for the time
> being. Fine. So I went up to the advisor
> seeking for her words. My original intention
> was to get a BCLAD/CLAD certificate.
> However, she was more impressed
> with my BS in Math than my MA in TESOL.
> She convinced me. And that's why I
> rushed everything at the last minute,
> registering for June's CBEST and
> July's CSETs.

> Pam

> p.s. Your comments (witty and blunt!) on those
> individuals who have taken the tests over and
> over again are just so true! As a matter
> of fact, prior to your feedback, most of
> the responses I got were pretty
> discouraging, making it sound almost
> impossible to pass all 3 tests at
> once. Or to be more exact, many of them
> have failed not just once but probably twice
> already. Of course, I didn't agree with nor
> believe that the tests are out of reach
> for me. But at the same time, didn't want to
> add insult to injury, either. So I just remain "quiet".

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Aimee C wrote:

> Hello,
> I've found your website a breath of fresh air- the
> information available for the CSET is so limited! I was
> wondering if you had any information about how the test
> is graded, the pass rate, etc. I took the test last
> month and am anxiously awaiting my scores (5 more days!)
> but I was hoping that someone would know some stats on
> how many people pass, what the mean score is...
> Another question: This last time, I only took the first
> 2 subtests due to lack of time. Hopefully I passed the
> tests and I will be focusing on studying for the Calculus
> section. Would you say that the resources available for
> the AP Calculus AB/BC tests would be helpful for this?
> Are there topics (aside from the historical section) that
> are not covered on the AP that the CSET would cover? More
> specifically, would the depth of understanding for the AP
> exam be sufficient for the CSET?
> Thanks so much!
> Aimee

--- Theresa M wrote:

> Hello!
> Glad to find your site thru the A to Z forums link. I
> am about to take the exams for subtest 1 and 2 on July
> 16. I will be mailing the check tom. to your address
> (Moreno Valley still?)to order the practice questions.
> How soon will I get it do you think ? I am here in LA.
> Thanks for the help
> Theresa

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

---Marc K wrote:

> Rajesh,
> I'm planning on purchasing all 3 sets of your material.
> I feel that it's important to pass the CSET, but also
> important to know the material. I'm interested to get
> your packet. Will you e-mail it, or what format will it
> be in?
> Look for my check over the next few days (I'm
in Northern California).
> Thanks,
> Marc K

--- Dan R wrote:

> Jay
> Last year I took your prep classes at Cal State SB and
> purchased your Geometry support material. I tried both
> tests but focused on the Geometry like you suggested. I
> passed the Geometry but failed the Algebra and have
> failed it once more since then. I'm wondering if you have
> any support material that I might pruchase that would
> help me in my last ditch effort on May 21. Naturally, I
> would appreciate a responce one way or another as soon as
> possible. I am open to any other ideas that might give me
> an edge or help me prepare. If your having trouble
> remembering me, I was the older gentleman with glasses
> and short hair, from Hemet,that you recognized as someone
> that seems to think outside the box. Thanks in advance
> for any help or advice you might share with me and please
> respond as quickly as possible so I can complete our
> transaction and therefore have the maximun time to study.
> Dan R

Quick links: Current List of Articles in ARCHIVES, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Dorothy Bevins wrote:

> Hi! I purchased your Algebra CSET preparation guide at the
> end of last year, took the CSET in January, and passed it!! (I just
> found out today!)
> Thank you! I studied every single thing on your list, and it worked!
> Now I would like to purchase your study guides for the
> geometry and calculus subtests of the CSET. I was worried when I
> could not find you on the internet anymore, so I looked through tons of
> e-mail to find your address. Are you still selling the guides?
> > Thank you!
> Dorrie B

--- Jacky H wrote:

> Thank you so much for your response - it was very helpful!
> I will send you a check this week to order the Algebra Q-bank.
> I'm sure I'll be in touch with you as I go through all of these questions.
> Also, can you recommend any textbooks to use for studying for
> subtest 1 and 2?
> Thanks again!
> Jacky

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Steve A wrote:

> Hello:
> I read your posts at Easyjournal and was wondering if
> you are still offering questions on Subtest 1
> Algebra. I live in Covina CA and am interest in
> taking the test in March but I need more sample
> material or a review class.
> Thank you.
> Steve A

--- Seth wrote:

> Just wondering if you can help me find that vast database
> of practice tests you mention on you inovation journal website.
> Your info really helped me prepare for (and pass) subtest I. Now on
> to subtest 2!
> Thanks,
> Seth

--- Jacky H wrote:

> Did you get my e-mail earlier this week? I am hoping to
> get information on specific customer reviews of the material (sorry, I'm
> about to take a huge pay cut and I have to be very careful and
> do a lot of research when I spend money!) as well as find out if
> you provide answers to the questions in the question bank.
> Please get back to me as soon as you can.
> Thanks!
> Jacky

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- T R wrote:

> Hi Jay:
> How r u doing? I passed the CSET, algebra that I took on
> 6th Nov. I paln to take the 3rd one,
> Calculus and trignometry on 22 Jan 2005.
> Do u have ur question bank for that CSET III part too?
> Pl. write to me asap so that I could mail u my check and
> get started with the prep.
> Thanks for all ur help.
> have a good holiday and Merry Christmas!!
> R

--- Mary C wrote:

> I didn't think I had - but I passed Subtest I on Sept.
> 18th.
> I had at least 4 or 5 questions on vectors (none of which
> were of the variety in the "sample test" or anything else I
> was studying).
> Next is Geometry, but I think I will go for March.
> Thanks for your help.
> Mary

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- T R wrote:

> Hi Jay:
> I passed the Geometry CSET and taking the algebra on 6th
> Nov. Could you pl. give me any suggestions for the test?
> Your material did help me to a good extent.
> Thank you
> R

--- Sage K wrote:

> Hello,
> My name is Sage K and I just recently came across
> your name through another fellow named
> Carl W. He had taken your course or study
> group at Cal State San Bernardino and had spoken very
> highly of you saying that "you were the man." He told me to
> ask you if you were still in the business of tutoring for
> the CSET because you had actually passed all three subsets
> in one sitting. That excites me because I have taken
> the Algebra test twice and failed them both and have taken
> the Geometry tests 7 times and as you can imagine, I am quite
> the apprehensive kind of guy towards these horrible
> flaming hoops! If you are interested I would be happy to
> pay what ever price to meet with you for a like an hour or
> two to go over the test (Around a $100 I was thinking)! I
> am honestly a very desperate test taker right now,
> plus, the going rate for tutoring at most universities is
> around 175 or 200 bucks as you may already know.
> My situation right now with the test is basically
> a do ordie situation! I have to pass both of the first
> two subsets on November 6th or else I cannot student
> teach until next fall. I am trying to pass so I can do
> the student teaching in the Spring session.
> I'm 26 and I am looking forward to getting my own class
> and especially looking forward to getting out of
> the house as well if you know what I mean!
>If there is any chance for us to meet, let me
> know!
> Thank you for your time!

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Heather A wrote:

> I am the trainer/HR rep for a company that employs about
> 200 teachers. We have been gathering resources for teachers taking
> different CSET single subject tests, and one of our teachers said that
> your information was the best that he had found. In addition, I
> personally will be taking the first portion of the Math CSET in November,
> and am interested to see how your prep assistance works.
> Thank You
> Heather A

--- Donald J wrote:

> Hello, I would be interested in what you are offering
> to succeed on the CSET Algebra 1 Subtest. Please let
> me know. Thank you!!!!

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Stephanie S wrote:

> Hi
> I appreciate your journal site. I am a math teacher who
> didn't need to take these exams to get my credential.
> Now my husband would like to get his credential and we
> don't even know what we are looking at. We are
> interested in anything you have that could prepare him to
> take the test (he is starting with just Level I in Nov,
> will hit level II in March)
> Thanks
> Stephanie S

--- Brooke E wrote:

>I took some of your CSET preparatory classes several
> months ago. I have taken the calculus and
> geometry and passes both. Thanks to you. I now need
> Algebra, Is it at all possible to have you send me some
> clues about what would be on the test? What should I
> focus on?
> Secondly, are you teaching those classes
> Thank you,
> Brooke E

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Maile R wrote:

> Hi,
> I found your site, I have taken the subset II in math 3
> times and I have till march to pass it. Can
you help?
> Maile R

--- Carl W wrote:

> Jay,
> Hope your summer is going well.
>Have you conducted any tutoring classes for the CSET
> Calculus/Math History Test? Do you plan to?
> Also do you have, or are planning to have, a set of study
> materials for sale for that test?
> Your materials helped tremendously on the Geometry test. I
am hopeful that I passed it last Saturday. If I
> did it may be time to start studying Calculus.
Carl W

--- Elyzabeth L wrote:

> Hi Jay,
> I wrote down the questions from the free responses.
>...[The Geometry Q] was so easy, thank you for teaching me the
> trick whith parallel lines. If you have the time will you tell me how to
> solve the Geometry 3 and 4 questions, and the Algebra 1 and 3
> questions.
> Thank you Jay for all that you have done.
> Elyzabeth L

--- G B wrote:

> Hello Jay,
> I want to thank you for being such a great tutor.
> Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the last session and
> I have a few questions on what to concentrate on for the Algebra test
> coming on March 20.
> I got the book Algebra and Trig that you suggested and it
> is fantastic but I'm not going to be able to complete the whole book by
> March 20. I have thoroughly covered Chapter's 1-4 and would like to know
> which parts of the remainder to concentrate on.
> Chapters 6, 7 and 8 are Trig. Do I need to cover
> anything in these chapters? I did do Chapter 8.3 (Vectors) .
> I plan on completing Ch. 9. Are there subsections in
> Chapters 10 and 11 that are more critical than others?
> Also, Chapter 5 (Exponential and Log Functions); can I
> get away with covering just a few of the subsections or are they all
> critical for the exam?
> I really appreciate your help in narrowing down my work...
> Have a great day!
> Gail B

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

--- Delia S wrote:

> Good morning, Jay,
> Thank you very much for your help on Saturday. You are
> a wonderful instructor! Your students are very lucky to
> have you, as are we!
> I intend to take the Geometry test on Saturday.
> Got any hints or problems I should work on?
> Again, thank you for your help. Hope to see you in a
> couple of weeks.
> Delia S

Quick links: Articles Index, TESTIMONIALS & FEEDBACK and CONTACT ME!

Hankering for more CSET Math Qs? Click on Need More Practice Questions? To purchase a vast database of Qs that I've compiled from my experience as a test taker and CSET Single Subject Math instructor at Cal State, San Bernardino, email me at The CSET Qs on this site are taken from that collection of questions!

If you found this site useful, be an evangelist and please spread the word to other CSET Single Subject Math examinees, and support this site with a contribution via Paypal!

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